Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Year Ago

On September 25, Husband and I celebrated a year of marriage! We celebrated the day by having dinner at Sunset Grill and coffee after at Fido. 
We’re so hip.

I feel like everyone probably says this, but honestly, this year really has been the best year of my life. We’ve gotten to know each other and learned how to better communicate. Sure we’ve fought and I “hulked out” a few times (as Husband likes to refer to my tantrums) but I feel as though we really have learned how to resolve issues and where to let things go and just laugh at ourselves. 
I can say with 100% conviction that we can survive any and everything together.

Things that have made this year fantastic:
1. We got married, duh.
2. We live together, double duh.
3. Husband got his dream job!
4. I went through 2 “bleck” jobs to get an awesome one!
5. I started cooking-- I guess Husband could contend that this might not be a positive, but I’m learning...
6. We have the rest of our lives to have so many more years just like this one!

I’ll leave you with some pictures of the rest of our one year celebrations!

My gift to husband, along with several other sentimental items!

Husband’s gift to me-- who needs diamonds when you’ve got Kate!
He also got me a sentimental gift that caused me to ugly cry for a good 5 minutes.
I think it was intentional.

The weekend before our anniversary I won tickets to the Tennessee game at work! Hollaaaa!


The boys discussing how awful we were playing in the first half...

Husband was SO EXCITED. He will love the fact that I’m posting this picture, I’m sure of it.

Rocky Top, You’ll Always be Home Sweet Home to MEEEE!

We went to see Lawless with our “son”, epic movie! Definitely a must see.

Ta Ta for now,

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